Selene and David fight alongside the Nordic vampires, who are led by Vidar's daughter Lena. Meanwhile, Alexia has told Marius, who is secretly her lover, that Selene is going to the Nordic Coven. At Var Dohr, the Nordic Coven stronghold, Elder Vidar reveals that David is the son of Grand Elder Amelia, and thus the legitimate heir to the Eastern Coven. The pair takes refuge at the Nordic Coven, pursued by Alexia, an Eastern Coven vampire dispatched by Semira. Thomas is killed, but David and Selene escape.

Thomas and David attempt a rescue, but are attacked by Semira and Varga.

With Selene in her custody, Semira begins draining her blood, which she intends to drink to steal her power. Semira has Varga, her ally and lover, poison Selene and slaughter the trainees, framing Selene for the atrocity.
She asks Thomas to plead Selene's case before the full council the plea is successful and the council reluctantly agrees to a pardon in exchange for Selene's help. Semira, a council member of the Eastern Coven, tells Thomas she wants Selene to be granted clemency and to train the coven's neophyte Death Dealers. Both species are searching for Selene: the vampires seek justice for the death of Viktor, while the Lycans, led by Marius, intend to use her to locate Eve, whose blood holds the key to building an army of vampire-werewolf hybrids. The remaining vampire covens are on the verge of annihilation by the Lycans.